From the very beginning, the company focused on the treatment of local aromatic raw materials such as jasmine, rose, violet leaf or mimosa, then widen its expertise on imported raw materials such as patchouli, tonka beans, ambrette, styrax, etc.

Payan Bertrand

Family company since 1864...

The company has constantly improved its production tools : from distillation, the company focused then on new techniques such as enfleurage then on volatile solvent extractions in the twenties.

The company then developed fractional distillation techniques in the fifties and more recently the molecular distillation.
This expertise allowed the company to succefully launch well known products such as Flouve (Fern oil and absolute) and many more…

More recently, and with the strong growth in the flavour market, the company developed a wide range of natural ingredients such as fish extracts and natural fractions such as ambretolide or octyl butyrate.
In 2004, the year of the 150th anniversary and, in a strong growth environment of its activity, the company opened a second production unit exclusively dedicated to fragrances compounds. Located in the Plan de Grasse, this new unit covers 1000 m2.

In 2006 the acquisition of General Aromatics allowed the company to go beyond a very important step in its development and to get an automatic weighing robot Roxane A for the production of its fragrances compounds.
The historical site of the company is now completely dedicated to the production of natural ingredients and a large investment plan is now focused on the expansion of distillation and extraction units, but also on innovative methods.
Our separately-located fragrance production plant features a modern Roxane automatic compounding robot, capable of precisely mixing 800 different ingredients to an accuracy of 0.01g, combined with a state of the art Colibri automatic blending unit.
This innovative equipment, able to mix each ingredient from 40 mg to 8 kg with a precision of a few milligrams, is based on a volumetric scale, allowing all ingredients to be blended all together, thus reducing manufacturing lead time.


Established in 1854, Payan Bertrand explores with passion the best from nature, in order to offer exceptional natural ingredients and fragrance compounds.

An independent family-owned French company that is present in more than 60 countries around the world , and that exports 90% of it’s production globally , Payan Bertrand is perfectly in tune with and committed to the demands of a global activity , We view the future with great confidence , determination , and a strong belief in our creative abilities.

The company has built up over a period of many years an extensive network across the five continents of highly-experienced partners and representatives , in order to provide the closest service to our customers . This also allows the company to improve its understanding of different cultures and its knowledge of market developments.

International activity is the core of our activity, through a permanent research of new markets to develop.

Our long-term strategy is to harmoniously develop our natural ingredients production activity along with fragrance compounds by increasing our production capabilities, the permanent modernisation of our industrial tool and the excellence of our methods.

Our commitment

Develop in harmony with the environment and face the challenges of the future.

Showing a permanent commitment in improving its production tools and its information system, the company shows a steady growth of its employees in order to cope with the whole range of regulatory and environment requirements : integration of OHSAS 18001 regulations regarding hygiene and security, continuous training of our personnel, important R&D investments, constant improvements of our production methods,implementation of a sustainable and ethical sourcing policy.


An active presence on more than 60 markets

Fragrance ingredients : 35%

Flavour ingredients : 25%

Fragrance compounds : 40%

Direction Payan Bertrand


Eric Proal

Managing Director

Vincent Proal

  • Director, Finance and Administration - Serge Chorda
  • Director, Natural Ingredients - Alexia Giolivo
  • Director, Perfumery - Julien Astier
  • Director, R&D Natural Ingredients - Frédéric Badie
  • Chief Information Officer - Magali Allione
  • Director, Laboratories - Esméralda Cicchetti

Network / international

Actively participating in more than 60 global markets , the company , benefiting from a highly qualified and extensive network of experienced agents spread across all 5 continents , brings to its customers a closeness of service wherever they are in the world.
To further serve the growing demand of these markets , the company has commenced construction and equipping of a new production building that will be totally dedicated to the processing of natural ingredients and that will commence operations during the last quarter of 2019.
