Payan Bertrand
You will find in this section all the latest news on Payan Bertrand and on the perfumery industry , as well as press articles and contributions from our experts in their particular subjects.

Jubilee 170 years 1854-2024
News 23 July 2024
June 14th, 2024 : a memorable day for Payan Bertrand.
We had the pleasure of celebrating our 170th Crazy Years in the enchanting setting of the Château de Crémat.
This magnificent place, which breathes history and elegance, was the scene of unforgettable moments, between laughs, lively conversations and frenzied dances.
This estate has been a place of viticulture since Roman times, located in an idyllic setting between the sea and the mountains. It was owned by atypical and visionary characters who knew how to make it an architectural gem. During the Roaring Twenties, the whimsical Irène Bretz, a very wealthy shareholder of an American railway company, took over the Château. In 1923, she undertook major development work under the direction of the architectural firm Charles Dalmas, who worked on the construction of the Carlton hotel in Cannes. She then received all the celebrities that the Côte d’Azur has to offer. It was at this time that Henri Proal acquired the company Payan & Bertrand…
Thank you to all those who participated in making this evening so special.